(download ep.10 for free on itunes here) Serge Lysak a man that has personally inspired me to be not only a better musician but a better business person all around. Serge has been around music and art his entire life, but only started playing drums at the age of 16. As his music and art slowly grew into a passion and then a career he had discussed some personal trials he had went through moving forward with opportunities, trying to see where to fit in and thus showing that somethings are just meant to happen at the right time under the right circumstances.

I first hear of serge through a drum instructor of my own that was his as well and after years of hard work Serge is now the owner of The Drum Lab school of drumming in Sacramento, CA. The Drum Lab has over 250 student and is in the process of expanding to 2 locations this year.

In addition to teaching privately for over 7years as one of Sacramento's premier instructors, Serge has taught clinic, toured, and recorded with many artists across the country. His most recent projects include a band called Duplx and an up and coming country artist by the name of
McKenna Faith.

This past year he has started taking his creativity and business experience and combining them into a new scope of work. He is now pursuing a parallel new venture of developing creative marketing and social media development for artists, individuals, businesses, and brands.

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